Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Is it all about the label?

In an article entitled, "For some wines, it's all about the label," Tricia Colianne discusses whether people buy wines based on labels. I have to admit I am one of those people. The more intrigued I am by the label, the more likely I am to buy the wine.

In her article Colianne says that many people do buy wine based on labels and according to her an interesting name such as "Cheap Red Wine" or "Seven Deadly Zins" doesn't hurt either. I am also guilty of buying wines because of their name. The picture is of some of the wines that I have bought for either the name or the bottle. The bottle "Sweet Bitch," is perfect example of buying a bottle just for the name. I had to have it but once I opened it I didn't like the wine at all.


LVenez1 said...

I really like the picture for this blog, it shows some interesting labels and I think almost everyone can admit to buying something like food or a drink just because of the way it looks. I didn't even know there was a wine called "Sweet Bitch" and that would be something I would get a friend as a gag gift, but it is very true that once you buy it you may not end up liking it! good conversational tone in the blog too

Di Dinnis said...

This is an interesting post and it makes me want to read the article, which proves that you did a good job previewing it. It would have been nice if the picture wasn't sideways becuase I had to turn my head to read the labels, but otherwise it was an excelent post.

Mike said...

Interesting stuff. I'm not a wine expert by any stretch, but I would think its all about the label. Good information on a topic what I think a lot of people don't know much about. Nice picture, too.